Wednesday, March 31, 2010

OMG!! BB vs. SS (again)

I know I just posted a Budget Busters vs. Stylish Substitutes about 10 minutes ago, but get a load of this!!!

Why, hello there, you oh-so-similar tank top. I purhcased this (almost) exact thing from Anthropologie (Corey Lynn Calter) just this winter. Hrmph. Can you believe it's only $78?! Granted, I only spent about that myself since I waited on a sale, but here I was thinking it was a unique piece. Goes to show ya everyone copies everyone. At least the good news is for those of you who hesitated and didn't get it-- well, here y'are! :)


  1. That is an exact replica!

  2. Damn, besides the hammered silk of the body, that is a pretty freaking close copy! Bellatrix (i.e. Nordies) did the same thing to the Anthro/Yoana Baraschi Northern Crown blouse too.

  3. Exact replica allright! Wow, I would have totally thought it was the original Anthro top if you had not pointed out that it was from Nordstrom.

  4. If anyone is still interested in the original anthro one, there may still be some at the sale price (60 or 70) by going through the old catalog and clicking on it. :-)

  5. Oh, thanks for the heads up!!

  6. i saw that shirt today at nordstroms!! how weird
