Friday, July 9, 2010

Fashion + Google = Greatness.

Happy Friday to my readers!

So over on Jenny's blog yesterday, I spied a post that really intrigued me: it was about a new pilot program launched by Google to improve the ties between fashion and technlogy. This seems pretty fitting, since the world of fashion blogging has really grown over time, and we fashion-bloggers know first hand about the intersection between style, fashion and tech-savvy. Many of us fashionista/os are using the internet and technlogy to not just promote style, but follow and keep up with it as well. To get this all started, Google needs our fashion-blogging help.

If you'd like to join in on the project and help out, get in touch with Tony Wang on twitter. Follow him, then send him a message and tell him you're interested. He can tell you more about how to get involved.

Pros for us bloggers? More exposure and staying linked-in to the up-and-coming world of fashion & technology. Plus, it's always nice to give back to the people that make this really happen, huh? :)

So get your fashion-bloggey butts over to Twitter and talk to Tony. Do it. Now.

(And if you need some more Friday distractions, have a looksie at his blog, too. Keep up the great work, Tony!)


  1. Sounds interesting. Anything Google touches usually turns to gold, so I'm looking forward to see what develops.

    Just started reading your blog, and really enjoy it. Love the new nook. :)

  2. Great! I will do it now:)

    xo Lynzy
