Monday, October 26, 2009

Kisses (and MRS) to Lovies


Drumroll, please....

Mrs. Wifey!!

I no longer have a fiance. I have a HUBS. So weird.

I have so much to talk about, and I missed my blogging so much. Actually, it's a little sick. I thought about blogging at my wedding reception. And on my honeymoon. I thought about all the new outfits I have to post (oh I love birfdays) and the newest (i.e. TODAY) additions to my wardrobe. At any rate, I love you all and missed you tons. But now I'm back, so let the old-married-woman-fashion-blogging begin!

(Promise #1 as a married woman: no house dresses allowed. Or nightgowns. Or other kinda gross old-woman clothing. EVER. And sorry to you nightgown-wearers out there, no offense.)

Also stay tuned to a few fun wedding/reception pics. Here is one of my faves from the night before the wedding (note what the glass says... ok so it's hard to see. It says BRIDE. I'm going to miss that as an excuse...)


  1. Welcome back and congrats on becoming a Mrs!

  2. Oh wow, where to even start? Congrats! And happy (belated?) birthday! And welcome back!


  3. i do like the wine glass! it'll be a nice accessory when you want to pretend to be a bride again.
